dat: A Collaborative Data repo

Great idea from Max Ogden about a way to enhance the move to open data. Dat will encourage users of open data to share the scrubbed, formatted, transformed, or sync’d data back to a repository so that others can use the data without going through the same process.

What is dat?

dat is a new initiative that seeks to increase the traction of the open data movement by providing better tools for collaboration.

To illustrate the goals of dat consider the GitHub project, which is a great model of this idea working in a different space. GitHub is built on top of an open source tool called git and provides a user-friendly web application that lets software developers find code written by others, use it in their own programs and improve upon it. In a similar fashion dat will be developed as a set of tools to store, synchronize, manipulate and collaborate in a decentralized fashion on sets of data, hopefully enabling platforms analogous to GitHub to be built on top of it.

The initial prototype of dat will be developed thanks to support from the Knight Foundation as a collection of open source projects in Summer and Fall 2013 by Max Ogden and other open source contributors.

Why do dat?

Open data is a relatively new concept that is being actively supported by both United States President Barack Obama and Internet creator Tim Berners-Lee. The goal is to get those who possess data that could be useful to others to make that data publicly available. The way this is done today by making data available as read-only: you can download bulk copies of data or query a REST API but there is no standard way to share any changes you make to the data. dat seeks to take this idea further and enable a decentralized workflow where anyone can track the changes they make to data after they consume it.

via maxogden/dat · GitHub.