Updated schema for RAT.systems

nmr_data = this is the main data, currently not live, but a lot of archive in there to play with
nmr_index = look-up table for ID to tag matching
nmr_readers = list of the reader serial numbers
nmr_records = stores date logged changes in mass, rank, genitalia and teats of each animal (many NULL)
nmr_ethogram = describes the codes used in the manual observation table
nmr_manual_obs = contains a set of behaviours for each animal in the colony (currently 11 are temporary placeholders that have the repeated oos code)
nmr_nest_distances = distances in mm from one sensor to another for the mapping animation
nmr_sensors = will store light and sound fluctuations
nmr_env = environment data, temperature (per change of 2 degrees or more) and humidity (once per hour)

The latest schema is here: https://github.com/misslake/rat.systems/blob/master/sql/nmr%20schema.sql